Future august 2057

As a contribution to the group-show “Future 2057” at FRISE-artisthouse-Hamburg I wrote the following text:

The Chairman of the Inclulympical Committee Chrisdian Wittenburg was arrested at the St. Barbara Clinic in California. He stayed there for a cure to freshen his nerves. He is accused of having enriched in the award of the Inclulympic Games 2056 to Hamburg, Germany in various ways. Among other things, it is suspected that the stem cells that are used for his treatment, had been taken in the previous year during alleged doping samples from inclulmpic top athletes. They were said to have been synthetically enriched for a year in a laboratory that has received funding to study the cure for various disabilities. The main shareholder of the laboratory is the company “Eternal-UTE” – whose managing director is Wittenburg. This procedure was uncovered because one of the doctors treating her had determined during a routine check that Wittenburg’s spinal cord contained cells of the Inclulympic winner Annette Lorenz, who had stored her cell data in a database for public further use. Wittenburg’s interweaving of private and general interests has long been the focus of criticism. The world games of all athletes, which have been held since 2040, are about to be knocked out by these multiple allegations.

In between sense and impossibility – cabaret?!

From time to time the question appears, how to deal with the fact, that the BDIOS is located inbetween a continuum of sense and impossibilty – even if those are two unsatisfactory polarities. Related to “inclusion” my idea seems deeply logically. Related to my life-span it is impossible to get to the point, where inclusive olympic games will happen. (planning-timelines, size of the involved partners, expected stubbornnes in huge institutions, that are economically conotated – the “Paralympics” are a trademark, where shareholders generate profit – both financially and ideologically)

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The experimental design is important also

During a trainride I wrote about ideas, thought about asking Klaus Becker, if he could open up those tiny beasty milk-packages and pour them into his coffee in front of a camera (look older post) – suddenly some of those came to my view. Immediately I took a photo and as an excuse, why I took this image of the coffee of a stranger I started reporting the scene, where Klaus opened up these packages without splashes – with extreme short arms. I worked against the experimental design, my counterpart would open up his packages as carefull as he could, he didnt splash anything – but pointed out, that he tried to do so as hard as he could.


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The same day I send the Email to Katja Lüke – who is responsible for “inclusion” at the Deutsche (german) Olympische (olympic) Sport (sports) Bund (association) – she called me to find out, what I want. I could only say: I do not know, lets find out! What we found out was: Nobody gave me the briefing to create the BDIOS (I really like the fact, that DOSB and BDIOS look quite the same…) – so who am I working for? She was sceptic, if I represent the aims of many paralympic athlets. I should start to find out more about that, ask the Hamburg-Para-Athlets, what they think of my idea.


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The lame tiger shrugs

For some time the office lays down on the ground of reality, I lay down with my exclusice inclusive idea. Still I think, that inclusive olympic games would be the right statement at the right time. Still I feel, that I push it only for millimeters – by a distance of 42,195 km. Some time ago an impulse of “keep on going” flickered through my bones: I was at my friend Manuel Zonouzi, who runs the nice and small hairdresser-shop “Die schöne Brigitte”.



Next to me a woman in a wheelchair and her daughter were waiting like me for their appointement.

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Klaus Becker, office for inclusion

Will be translated soon.

Während ich Klaus Becker meine Idee erläutere, beginnt er auffällig zu schmunzeln und meint, wenn ich fertig wäre, könne er erklären, warum. Vor ca 2-3 Jahren wurden verschiedene „Player“ der „Behindertenszene“ (Inklusionsbüro, Behindertensportverbände etc.) gefragt, wie sie denn die Paralympics durchführen würden, wenn Olympia nach HH kommen würde. Becker hatte damals gesagt: Garnicht! Um den Gedanken der Inklusion ernst zu nehmen, sollten alle Wettbewerbe in einer Veranstaltung stattfinden.

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With broken toe at Dr. C

I have to change my blog-habits. Up to know I organised meetings to develop the BDIOS, wrote texts, edited, waited (to long) and posted. The benchmark for posting was to high. I have to get more “bloggy”. Yesterday I met doctor C, my first toe is broken.  Dr. C is a former olympic participant and olympic official. After he diagnosed my toe I confronted him with the vision of the BDIOS. Immediately he pointed out, why it is not possible to do so, the games will get to long, the amount of challenges will not be able to organise etc. Besides he liked the idea, that related olympic and paralympic sports could be seen in the same arena one after the other. The games would become more attractive. I will look forward to see him outside his consultation hour…


Some time ago I became faschinated by H.P. Baxxter/Scooter. I have do admit, that “success” impresses me. Scooter works in a field, that is stramge tp me. He has related “shouting with a strange metal-microphon” during playing sweat-producing party-music to his name, like a “brand” in way, that could have been thought conceptually, potential concept-art. I should ask him, if we meet…

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Actually, besides the fact, that I know, where his studio ist and which cars standing around might belong tto him I do not know H.P. Certanily he is driving a olive-green pick-up with a “free tibet”-Stiucker and for shure he is driving s black jaguae e-Tupe, in hwich I have seen him times ago, when I drove to my mother, close to the fire-station Maienweg. That “meeting” I took as a reason to wrtie to him – that was 2 years ago… Continue reading